Current Developments in Computer Science from the Perspective of Women Philosophers, invited talk for the panel: “The History of Women Philosophers in the Digital Age”, XXVI. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie: #digital|denken, Münster, Germany, September 2024
Dancing with Generative AI, Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) 2024, September 2024
Panel, LLMs and the Patterns of Human Language Use, DFG funded Workshop, TU Berlin, August 2024
Agency in Virtual Environments, Wittgensteinsymposium2024: Facets of Reality — Contemporary Debates, Kirchberg am Wechsel/Lower Austria, August 2024
“Socialitas sine Intellegere” in Generative AI-Empowered Systems, WP 65: Philosophy of Information and Digital Culture, World Congress of Philosophy 2024, Rome, Italy, August 2024
Social Intelligence in Generative AI Empowered Environments, Poster, IACAP 2024, Eugene, Oregon, USA, July 2024
First steps towards Meaningful Human Control of Generative AI, Workshop “AI, Human Values and Meaningful Human Control”, Universität Bonn, June 2023
Digital Games – Virtual Worlds – Real Impact, Digital Humanism: How to shape Digitalisation in the Age of Global Challenges?, Online Workshop at the International Society for the Study of Information (IS4SI) Online Summit, September 2021
Generating Futures: Insights into the Computational Sciences, XXV. Kongress der Deutschen Gesellschaft für Philosophie: Das Wahre, Gute und Schöne, Erlangen-Nürnberg, Germany, September 2021.
Social Machines in a Data-driven World, XVIII. Symposium of the International Association of Women Philosophers: Defining the Future, Rethinking the Past – Women Philosophers on Economics, Technology, Environment, Paderborn, Germany, July 2021.
Responsible Deployment of AI by a Smart Society, CEPE/IACAP Joint Conference 2021: The Philosophy and Ethics of Artificial Intelligence, University of Hamburg, July 2021, online.
Gamification of Sociotechnical Imaginaries for Disruptive Technologies, Ethicomp 2021, Logroño, Spain, June 2021, online.
Sociotechnical Imaginaries and the Art of Interagency, SPT 2021: Technological Imaginaries, Lille, France, June 2021, online.
Ludic Interactions in Virtual Worlds, Digital Worlds: A Virtual Workshop, The Center for Collaboration and Ethics at the University of Texas Rio Grande Valley, April 2021, online.
The Exploration of the Unknown in Smart Systems and the Smart Society, Online Forum on Philosophy, Engineering & Technology (fPET) 2020, November 2020.
Experimenting with the “Not Yet”, Philosophy of Human-Technology Relations 2020, University of Twente,The Netherlands, November 2020, online.
From the Engineering of the “Not Yet” to Alternative Futures, Fifteenth International Conference on The Arts in Society, Galway, Irland, June 2020, online.
The Anticipatory Stance in Smart Systems and in the Smart Society, Ethicomp 2020, Logroño, Spain, June 2020, online.
Alternative Futures: Experimenting with Predictive Algorithms, Futures Thinking Inaugural Conference, Oxford, UK, October 2019.
Smart Systems and Smart Power in Digital Societies, The Digital Society: Philosophical Perspectives, 15th Annual Estonian Philosophy Conference, Tallinn, Estonia, August 2019.
Smart Systems: The Power of Technology, CLMPST 2019, Prague, August 2019.
Humanizing AI-centric Environments, CEPE 2019: Risk and Cybersecurity, Norfolk, Virginia, USA, May 2019.
Integrating the Second Person Standpoint into AI-supported Environments, Values in Medicine, Science and Technology, UT Dallas, Richardson, Texas, USA, May 2019.
Smart Systems: From Prediction to Prescription, SPT 2019: Technology and Power, College Station, Texas, USA, May 2019.
Interactions without Intermediaries, Workshop: Trust in Socio-Technical Systems: In Blockchains we trust?, Universität Hannover, September 2018.
Anticipatory Governance and Epistemic Authority in Data driven Environments: Issues in Medical Epistemology, Ethicomp 2018, Sopot, Poland, September 2018.
Human Autonomy in Times of Autonomous Technology exemplified by – The Smart City, MCTS/TUM Seminar Days „Techno-scientific visions of the future“, Kloster Plankstetten, April 2018.
Medical Knowledge in Data driven Environments, Issues in Medical Epistemology, Cologne, Germany, December 2017.
Algorithmische Wissenskulturen in Zeiten maschineller Datenanalyseverfahren, Workshop „Algorithmische Wissenkulturen? Der Einfluss des Computers auf die Wissenschaftsentwicklung“, Deutsches Museum, Munich, Germany, October 2017.
Collectivity in Blockchain based Environments, ENSO V: Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology, Lund, Sweden, August 2017.
Social Responsibility and Trust in Collaborative Environments, European Society for Analytic Philosophy Conference (ECAP 9), Munich, Germany, August 2017.
Data Power and Block Chain Technology, Data Power Conference, Ottawa, Canada, June 2017.
The Evolution of Social Machines towards (Semi)Autonomous Collaborative Systems, Ethicomp/CEPE 2017: Values in Emerging Science and Technology, Torino, Italy, June 2017.
Dimensions of Responsibility in Collaborative Networks, Ethical Theory and Moral Practice 20th Anniversary Conference: Dimensions of Responsibility, Pavia, Italy, June 2017.
Online Dispute Resolution based on Smart Contracts: An Example of Disintermediation and Disruption of a Socio-technical System, SPT 2017: The Grammar of Things, Darmstadt, Germany, June 2017.
Identity in Times of Big Data, Asian Conference on Ethics, Religion & Philosophy (ACERP) 2017, Kobe, Japan, March 2017.
Responsible Innovation for Future Proactive Health and Wellbeing Systems, Symposium: Ethics of Big Data: The Engineering of the “Not Yet”, IACAP 2016, Ferrara, June 2016.
The Sensor Society and the Engineering of the “Not Yet”, Living in Technoscientific Worlds: International Conference Celebrating the Launch of STS Austria, Vienna, Austria, December 2015.
Individual and Shared Agency in Socio-technical Systems, VI Coloquio Internacional de Filosofía de la Tecnología, Universidad Nacional de Río Negro, San Carlos de Bariloche, Argentina, November 2015.
Learning from the Best: Agent-based Approaches in Science and Engineering, Workshop: Knowledge Transfer and Its Contexts, LMU-Center for Advanced Studies, Munich, September 2015.
Participation in Autonomous Systems, Workshop: Foundations, Modeling and Design of Complex Systems, CLMPS 2015, Helsinki, August 2015.
Responsible Innovation in Systems Making Use of Big Data Approaches, SPT 2015: Technology and Innovation, Shenyang, China, July 2015.
Big Data based Governance: Autonomy and Control in Sociotechnical Systems, invited talk, Workshop: Sensor Technolgies and the Human Experience, TUM-Institute for Advanced Study, Munich, July 2015.
Responsible Innovation in Big Data Systems, Data Power Conference, Sheffield, UK, June 2015.
Emergence and Chance in Agent-based Simulations, ISIS Summit Vienna 2015—The Information Society at the Crossroads, Section: Conference Track: Emergent Systems, Information and Society, Vienna, June 2015.
Soziales und asoziales Handeln in Agentenbasierten Systemen, Konferenz: XXIII. Deutscher Kongress für Philosophie Geschichte — Gesellschaft — Geltung, Münster, September 2014.
One for All and All for One: The Second Person Perspective on Groups (Poster), Workshop: Thinking(about) Groups, Copenhagen, September 2014.
Attributing Agency in Socio-Technical Systems, Symposium: Robotics: From Science Fiction to Ethical and Legal Issues, IACAP 2014, Thessaloniki, July 2014.
Interaktion statt Werkzeugeinsatz. Kollektives Handeln in soziotechnischen Systemen, invited talk, RWTH Aachen, July 2014.
Interactional Engagement with Computational Artefacts, XV Conference of the International Association of Women Philosophers, Madrid, June 2014.
Social and Asocial Agency in Agent-Based Modelling, CEPE 2014 – Well-Being, Flourishing, and ICTs, Paris, June 2014.
Cyberphysikalische Systeme, invited talk, TU Darmstadt, June 2014.
The Potential for Asocial Agency in Agent-Based Modelling, Workshop IV Modelling Organisational Behaviour and Social Agency, Bournemouth, UK, January 2014.
Participation in Smart Systems, Workshop: Crowd Intelligence: Foundations,Methods and Practices, A SINTELNET WG5 Workshop, Barcelona, January 2014.
The Participatory Turn – A Multi-Dimensional Gradual Agency Concept for Human and Nonhuman Actors, ENSO III: Conference of the European Network on Social Ontology, Helsinki, October 2013.
Potentiality and Actuality of Computer-based Simulation Environments, Jahrestagung der Gesellschaft für Medienwissenschaft „Medien der Wissenschaft“, Lüneburg, October 2013.
Potentiality and Actuality of Sociotechnical Environments, World Congress for Philosophy, Section: Philosophy of Technology, Athens, August 2013.
Enacting Conjoint Agency in Heterogeneous Constellations, Wittgensteinsymposium 2013 Mind, Language and Action: Enactivism and extended mind, Kirchberg am Wechsel, August 2013.
Agency in Sociotechnical Environments, 18th International Conference of the Society for Philosophy and Technology, Lisboa, July 2013.
Proto-ethical Inquiries into Social Computing, CEPE 2013 “Ambiguous Technologies: Philosophical Issues, Practical Solutions, Human Nature”, Lisboa, July 2013.
Inter-Agency in Technosocial Environments, Workshop: Second Person Perspective, Oxford, July 2013.
The Participatory Turn – A Multi-Dimensional Gradual Agency Concept for Human and Nonhuman Actors (Poster), Workshop: Collective Agency and Cooperation in Natural and Artificial Systems, Stuttgart, July 2013.
Inter-Agency in Technosocial Environments, Workshop: Intersubjectivity as Interaction, Nimwjien, June 2013.
Die partizipative Wende – Konstellationen verteilten und kollektiven Handelns in soziotechnischen Systemen, Berliner Kolloquium für Internet und Gesellschaft 2012 (Humboldt-Universität zu Berlin): Pattern of Participation, October 2012.
Experimental Ethics and Multi-Agent Systems, GAP 8 – Workshop: The Scope and Limits of Experimental Ethics, Konstanz, Germany, September 2012.
Ein Konzept mehrdimensionaler gradueller Handlungsfähigkeit menschlicher und nichtmenschlicher Akteure als Beitrag zur Technikethik, Wittgensteinsymposium 2012: Ethik – Gesellschaft – Politik: Humanity – Nature – Technology, Kirchberg am Wechsel/Lower Austria, August 2012.
A Multi-Dimensional Agency Concept for Social Computing Systems, IACAP 2012 “Symposium: The Social Turn – MAS”, Birmingham, UK, July 2012.
Die partizipative Wende: kurzer Projektüberblick, Summer School: Neue interdisziplinäre Anthropologie: Leib – Geist – Kultur, Internationales Wissenschaftsforum Heidelberg (IWH), Marsilius Kolleg, Universität, Heidelberg, Heidelberg, Germany, July 2012.
Wissens- und Artefakterzeugung unter Einsatz computerbasierter Simulationen, Interdisziplinäre Summer School „Kulturraum Technik“, Fulda, Germany, Org. Graduiertenkolleg „Topologie der Technik“, TU Darmstadt, Interuniversitäres Forschungszentrum für Technik, Arbeit und Kultur (IFZ), Graz/Klagenfurt, September 2011.
The Participatory Turn: A Multi-Dimensional Agency Concept for Human and Nonhuman Actors, Summer School “Scientific Knowledge and the Transgression of Boundaries”, Donostia‐San Sebastian, Spain, August 2012, Org. Karlsruhe Institute of Technology (KIT), Karlsruhe, Germany, University of the Basque Country (UPV/EHU), Donostia‐San Sebastian, Spain.
Evolution of Software Agents as Digital Objects, IACAP Conference 2011 “the Computational turn: past, present, futures”, Aarhus, Denmark, July 2011.
Partizipation in virtuellen Welten, Wittgensteinsymposium 2009: Language and World, Kirchberg am Wechsel/Lower Austria, August 2009.